lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014

      Economic Hit Men

Perkins define that the Economic Hit Men as "highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars". (Perkins).This is an important perspective related to equality and why some people are doing wrong and misleading Perkins considered his self as a "Economic Hit man" the main idea towards his job is to convince different amounts of countris to accept big amounts of loans.  This is a terrible procces because the countries that get involved on the agreements are not totalty sure of the responsibility and debt they just start.  The important idea that each campaing decied to complete was to really be sure that they have the commitment and they definetly are going to conclude at the US corporations. A big religional consequence most go on when there is a division up on two groups of different believes that also must support any side they thing is the best one for enjoying a quiet life. The countries are the most affected in this point if you start to seen it by this side,that any decision would directly go to the countrie and they need to face the different arrangement they conclude. 

MLA Citation : Perkins,John. "Hit Man". Web. September.31 March 2014.

lunes, 24 de marzo de 2014

                                                          Ukraine Advances in Senate

After two weeks of delay, caused by Republicans playing politics, the Senate has cleared the cloture hurdle for a Ukraine aid bill, 78-17. In addition to providing assistance to Ukraine and sanctioning Russia for its invasion of Crimea, the bill includes some IMF reform that has proved controversial with Republicans.
Russian military personnel surround a Ukrainian military base in Perevalnoe, Crimea, on March 19. Ukrainian troops have been encircled by pro-Russian forces in their bases for days With Russian forces positioned threateningly on the Ukrainian border, lawmakers are blaming one another for slowing Washington’s response to the crisis.Most Senate Democrats, joined by the White House and a handful of Republicans, want to include the IMF reforms while most Republicans in the House and Senate oppose doing so.Democrats argue the IMF reforms belong in the bill because they would allow the international bank to lend more money to the cash-strapped new Ukrainian government. Republicans say they want to handle the IMF matter in a separate bill they can fully debate and amend.Significantly, the IMF reforms are not included in a new bill that the Republican-controlled House could vote on this week.

Link :

MLA Citation : Barret ,Ted "Ukraine aid Bill Advances in Senate" March 2014.Web.March 24,2014

Concluding this idea from the advances because they'll take any hostage they possibly can, even assistance to Ukraine.But getting it past Senate Republicans might have been the easy fight here, because the House has already voted on one proposal for Ukraine aid that doesn't include the IMF language, and as of now doesn't intend to include it in a second package it is likely to take up Tuesday. The barrier for Republicans seems to be that the administration has requested the IMF reforms. 

domingo, 16 de marzo de 2014

Ukraine Crisis

The results in Sunday's referendum on whether Ukraine's Crimea region should join Russia or become an independent state determines to show support for Russia.With 50% percent of the ballots counted, more than 95% of voters want to become part of that country.People are decided to have a drastic change for there country. Russian state news reported that some 93% of people had voted to join Russia. This is a big percentage for a decision that need the opinion from the citizens. The voting has put the United States and Russia on the kind of collision course not seen since the end of the Cold War.

 European nations and the United States have announced some targeted punishments against Russia and have threatened tougher sanctions if the secession vote goes through.Kicking off the polling in a prerecorded statement, Crimea's Prime Minister Sergey Aksyonov called on the residents of Crimea to cast their vote "independent of nationalism and disintegration." 

Link :

MLA Citation :  Magnay Diana. "Ukraine Crisis,early results show Crimea votes to join Russia" March 2014.Web.March 16,2014

 In conclusion this event really impressed me, because to make a decision is taken in the wake of the opinion of the citizens. In this case is quite high percentage are almost 100% in 93% of citizens who want to make that junction. Now they have to conclude whether or not it is quite convenient to both countries unite and work together from now on.
My Race

 What is your race? How has your race determined your privilege, power, and perspective in the world? Refer to the documentary and any other sources that inform your decision. MLA citations.

I am a young boy of 17 years old that have experinced a lot of different  succes during my life. Definetly this succes are not going to be the only ones that are going to happen in my life,I have a lot of new experince to learn and difficult moments to life also great moments. Race  will not determine you, you, you will be determined to root for your our actions you make or how you develop in your life that determines you really how you are not your race. No matter if you're black or white, every human  have the same rights as well as to study, work, live, vote and so on.People are acting badly when they decide to treat people by their skin color.

 The discrimantion is a terrible huge global problem and really affects the person receiving such discrimination.In the world there is no classification of privileges depending on whether you are black or white or any other race. The most important thing in our world is equal and that is important to every society in the world. Whether the blacks and whites have the same privileges.It's very different than other people to have more power or privileges but because these people have worked hard throughout their lives and have formed very well, so they are where they really wanted to. 

I considered my self as a black person,I am part of the "black" society in the world. Here in Colombia we are called as a Afro Cololmbians,because regardless of the skin color relation with  the  black people from africa many years ago.

Here is a great link related to our race theme:

MLA Citation :  Brace Loring. "Does Race exist?" September 2004.Web. March 16,2014

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Palestine Wall    VIDEOS

2  Great videos that explain and help us to understand the creation and issur of the defense Wall located in Palestine.
Lemon Tree Reflection

Salma  is a old widow from a Palestinian village who lives next to the border between Israel and the West Bank.Salma's husband died ten years ago of a heart attack, his son live in America at Washignton DC.She has inherited a lemon grove planted by her father 50 years ago. Salma take care a lot of this lemon trees and this is the main conflict that emphasizes the plot of the movie,because Salma see the trees and encounter a lot of  feelings which is why they tend them with love and care and fight until the final for them. The problem start to go ahead when the Israeli Defense minister, moves into a new house along with his wife Mira and its located near to Salma Lemon trees.Salama decides to challenge the military decision in Israeli courts. Determined not to lose her trees.Mira the wife of the minister understood that  her charismatic husband is having an affair with a young woman and she has given up hope that he will ever change. As time goes on, she observes Salma courage and independence in the face of power and prejudice.Finnaly it came the day and they went to decide at the court what whould happend with the lemon tree,they decide to cut they until a certain of size,but it definetly affect Salma.This great movie teach us about the conflict that the situation during that period of time was totally hard and difficult to have  a normal life. People were suffering because all of the entire disagreements they were not able to have a power of influence up on changing the final decision or ideas. 

martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

Conflict Connection

The Palestine and Israel is a terrible and serius conflict that is over a century old,and mixes everthing from nationalism to religion.There have been 5 wars over this tiny land since 1948.The have been at least 9 multi nation peace talks to resolve the conflict,all of which have failed. Both sides the Israelis and Palestinians want the land,this is a serious and big problem.

This is the Link :

MLA Citation :Gallagher Danny."Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" November 2011.Web. March 4,2014

The Israelis and the Palestinians have lived together for thousands of years with relatively few conflicts,This great article really excited me because it have a big relationship with all the information we have been practicing during class. Also there are some great perspective that help us to really have more relation and understand better this terrible conflicts. 


This is a great article with the basic origins of the Palestine and Israel conflicts that had occur.Explain clearly the history of Palestine to show how this process occured and what moral solution to the regions problems should consist of.   The link for this article is:

MLA Citation :A Derhally,Massoud. "The Origins of the Palestine -Israel conflict". Berkeley,CA,2001 .Web. March 4,2014.

In this article I agrre a lot with Massoud point because the is a critical conflict that is really affecting people and they are suffering with those succes.The conventional wisdom is that, even if both sides are at fault, the Palestinians are irrational “terrorists” who have no point of view worth listening to. They are realizing a bad decition because they need to give the opportunity to listen different points of view,never omit others ideas or perspective.