Ramiro Mosquera
Mosquera 1
Social Studies 12
3 May, 2014
In my opinion this stage that is finalizing from school is the most important
one,becuase it help us to mature a lot and understand what things are good for
us and to make good decision towards the options that life give to ourselves.
The basic information that we learn during or formation at school is necessary
for our personal develops in life. Any
human is capable for influencing up on changing the world, that negative
thinking is affecting people. I definitely would like to change about the world
is that terrible rivalry that humans have and the envy that affect us. We are
here at the earth to help each other, to work in group and enjoy life hundred
percent. Believe me if we leaving aside this negative feelings, life is going
to be excellent.
I am going to be totally sincerely, the first years from 4 grade to 6
grade I was a complete vague, I did not like doing homework I prefer to lose my
time doing better things, like playing Xbox or being at the computer like for 5
hours, losing my time. While time passes
I start to understand the important characteristic of “homework” the main idea
and why homework is essential in the process of the student. That is a teacher
decide to give you a material for you to practice and learn by yourself and
then they explained to you, the process that you are going to complete is
great, you are going to develop more senses that definitely are going to help
you in the learning process. By the starting of 7 grades I start to put more
interest on my homework and reading more about the new topic we were going to
start to learn. These techniques
definitely help me a lot,
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in my trajectory at High School. Something that I am very happy to learn
to do is to prepare before things, because in this new phase at the university
this is how they work and the student need to couple.
My inspiration, motivation and dreams are all focus on one concrete idea
and is to reach the person I dream all my life, an important person capable to
take my own decisions and success. Never settle with the minimum, maximum
always required, and you would see the great results that these would bring for
you and your life, great things. A lot of new things that you never have been
waiting for. Every human obviously have dreams and what to accomplish, in my
situation I am a guy of 17 years old that have a lot of expectations and my
principal goal is to be what I like to do. There
was a time that my dreams and goals were many and wanted to fulfill each one of
them hundred percent. But I have to be aware that I can only do the things I
enjoy doing and born me, because at that moment I will perform all activities
because I want to and not because it touches me or forced me to do it.
I consider myself a person who really meets their personal goals to
always hundred percent. If I intend to perform some activity to make it not end
until this perfectly made. I love to help people, very young I have been part
of social work groups to collaborate to people who really need accomplish-and
we can provide the help that is great for them. Always
dream about the greatest thing that's my main goal. As my parents taught me to
dream big, because the proposed little bit true. I consider myself a person who
always no matter the situation I want everything to conclude well and perfect
and give the best of myself.
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In the future I want to be an Administrative Physicians and be able to
manage a company, take great decisions and that all persons who are to be taken
care service leave satisfied. I am aware and have been studying a lot about
health services and the main problems addressed in this moment. It is a global
problem and that I am quite interested in finding an answer to this question.
It is the next as a procedure performed to achieve as much as the patient,
surgeon, administrative party is satisfied with the service? It is a big
problem because there will be always someone unhappy with the procedure, fact
or process any situation.
I consider myself a very warlike person because I'm a children of 17
years old I a am already focused on understanding the problem related to the
medicine and on my senior project practicum and present a solution on it, so in
the future if I have the opportunity to lead a entire hospital I would directly
help people and this would be great. I really I thank God for the opportunity
he gave me to study in this school for 10 years. Meet these teachers with so
much experience and they taught me is unique, infinite thanks. Ms.Sierra really
taught me to understand the importance and how to put interest in readings starting
from a document up to a book and would really appreciate it from my heart.
I feel fulfilled and happy to have had the opportunity to know about
Nelson Mandela is an idol for me and I respect that, spent years and years in
jail unjustly and was the one who first fought for blacks in South Africa and
through sport wanted to achieve a bond between the races. Nelson Mandela said
" Education is the most Powerful which you
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can use weapon to change the world " This quote is really important
because Mandela is referring to that education is essential to humans and to
succeed and be someone in life
have to have a basis for training and this helps me to make a connection
with my theme about the importance of the study and how happy I am that I'm
already eve of graduation.
During my trajectory in 12 grade I read a great book called Mandela "No
Easy Walt To Freedom" this book much helped me strengthen me as a person
and understand many of the benefits that I have in my life and the blessings
that God has commanded me. Mandela says “It always seems impossible until it's
done.”This quotes I also use it in my words for the yearbook, I filled a lot as
a person this book is one of the few books I actually have read. I love that
quote Mandela we do because we want to understand that in life nothing is
impossible, we are able to accomplish any goal we propose. Never give up too,
because as Mandela says everything looks impossible until you've done.
To conclude this writing is a pleasure for me to make a memory of how
I've changed as a person, matured and learned a lot over the years that have
passed. Thanks to my parents, teachers and all those who really in this process
have always helped me and I have to be honest these bases are the key to
success in life.
Works Cited
Mandela, Nelson. “No Easy Walk to Freedom” February 1991
“It always seems impossible until it's done”
Mandela, Nelson. “Mandela’s Quotes.” Scholarship. 3 May 2014 https://www.google.com.co/search?q=quote+nelson+mandela&rlz=1C1VEAD_enCO474CO474&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=GtljU8PXOePJ8wHKr4GYAw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1280&bih=923#facrc=_&imgdii=d1uLEpjVg53mAM%3A%3BX_EhBXnJ3j_YAM%3Bd1uLEpjVg53mAM%3A&imgrc=d1uLEpjVg53mAM%253A%3B-OJ22rATQ-R8zM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffavimages.net%252Fwp-content%252Fuploads%252F2013%252F06%252Fnelson-mandela-quotes-sayings-wise-wisdom-education.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ffavimages.net%252Fimage%252F83631%252F%3B600%3B600
“Education is the most Powerful which you can use weapon to change the