martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Economic Hit man and Food Inc comparison

The food issue is know affecting thousond of different people,how I just descibre in my last post people are reciving a bad nutrition since they are not able to buy certain of good food they want to,independently of the different cases,if they are economic,social ,racial etc. There is an important relation between the food inc and the economic Hit man. Economic Hit man refers to the " function  to convince the political and financial leadership of underdeveloped countries to accept enormous development loans from institutions".  This describe that  diverse of campaing very entering to be part of groups that will help each other but realizing a big loan of money towards the agreement.  Having this connections or giving the opportunity to other countries enter to ours and start to selling there products or to just start a new business here they are not given the opportunity to the "poor" comunity that give there entire effort working up on doing the food crop because they bring the food from other places and they sale them here more cheaper so people have decied to buy that stuff and the original one,the most nutritious to yourslef goes directly to a background.

Understangin that the variety of factors,as the poverty food insecurity and the people with a low income are more susceptible to obesity. Know people have decied to visit the markets and start getting cheap food that is good for you,that is great. I have made an investigation that helps me with the relation to my theme and I am 100% sure this information is quiet good because last week my social studies teacher,told us a great life experince,obtainig great food ,cheap,and healthy for your body and life. Related to the fruit side that is totally good for every human body we have the "Apples: $1.39 per pound ,Bananas 48 cents per pound and Grapes:$1.86 per pound ". Know the protein system "Chicken breasts: $5.99 per 3-pound bag (49 cents per serving,Natural peanut butter: $3.39 for 16 ounces (42 cents per serving), Canned beans: 84 cents for 15 ounces (22 cents per serving),Eggs: $1.99 for a dozen large (17 cents per serving) ,Dried lentils: $1.35 per pound (14 cents per serving)and the  Almonds: $8 per pound (50 cents per serving).

In conclusion there are a lot of great nutriment that you are able to buy and not inverting a lot of your money,this is a great food and is definetly salubrious for humans. The Economic Hit Man is affecting a lot the food inc and people are the most affected ones because they are getting the control of an entire country,and they need to couple coupled to the situation in which they are passing throw

Link :

MLA Citation : Romine Stepfanie." 25 Cheap foods that are good for you". Web. October 2012.1 April,2014.

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