miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Ligth Conspirancy

The production of manufactuary is increasing a lot,they limits what they wanted to do. They have a basic and concrete idea that is to increase and make more and more money each time. The controlling of their systems is totally important because is the only way that they make sure that things are going rigth and they are not going to have future problems with the production.Comparing there production is totally importante because is the only way that they are going to improve there systems.There idea is definetly clear that they wanted to receive each time money and never get slow at there production is there important idea. The inventor makes a los of work during this procces he is the one that is incharge of creating new ways and convince people of new ideas.

The technology is essential for them because the only way they work is by increasing the production by the technology .Economic is obviusly moving on people they are depending a lot of the procces that happens towards the economy. Something very incredible was the depression that people need to suffer at 1929 that the economy suffer a lot,the country start to get down totally. The products were very expensive and people would suffer a lot for the purchase of the products.

In conclusion planned obsolescence is designed to make people purchase more and more

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